Change is in the air
Thursday, June 4

Anyone who knows me personally knows that if I'm feeling stuck in a particular situation, I'm pretty quick to change my circumstances. Growing up I learned that if I'm not happy, I'm the one who needs to identify what is making me unhappy, and then change that. It's something that has stuck with me as I've gotten older, and it has become (what I think to be) an endearing aspect of my personality. Where most people tend to avoid change, I embrace it! There's just something about that figurative shifting of paths that calls to me and draws me in. Sometimes it's not the right path (and that's where most people get frightened and backtrack); but every path, right or wrong, eventually leads you somewhere...
People who know me personally also know that I'll often do things in spite of other people. Because, by golly, if you tell me to do something but you don't expect me to do it, I'll show you how it's done! I call it the Barney Stinson philosophy - "Challenge accepted!".

All of this to say... I start a new job in
(When I found out I officially got the job, I totally did this and a little bit of this.)
For the sake of a storyline though, let's backtrack a bit...
Shawn and I have been frequenting our favorite local brew cafe for almost two years now. We're pretty friendly with the staff because we go most Sunday afternoons, and because most of them also like to go have a beer or two where Shawn works. So when they announced that they were opening up a second location nearby and that they were hiring for it, I told Shawn that he should apply. I even helped him beef up his resume! Well, after pestering him for weeks about applying (and why he hadn't yet), he turned to me and said, "Why don't you apply? It sounds like you're the one that wants to work there."
It was like he had flipped a switch on in my brain, because after he said that, I couldn't stop thinking about it. So a few days later, I emailed them my resume. I casually told Shawn about it later in the day, since I knew he never expected me to actually apply. Heck, I had never even seriously considered getting a new job; it was more of a "What the heck, why not?" kind of move. Except that once the thought was in my head, I couldn't get it out of there. And the more I thought about it, the more I wanted the job. All the perks were there - the shortened commute (from 35-minute drive to 4-minute walk? Yes, please!), the different schedule (more time to actually see my husband? Yes, please!), the experience (bread and savory things? Yes, please!), oh, and all the beer doesn't hurt either. Once I thought about all the perks of a new job, my head went to the little things bothering me about my current job, and all of a sudden, the thought of change didn't sound like a bad idea.

I won't go into detail, but it took over a month between when I initially contacted them and when I officially got the job. I just had to be persistent! If you know what you want, you can usually get it. (Hey, it's how I got Shawn!) Just go for it! And don't be afraid of change - it can lead to something amazing.
Get it girl!
Also, I had totally never read the story of how you and Shawn met. You guys are precious, #lifegoals to the extreme.
change is definitely a good thing! three cheers for new jobs!
Thanks, Danielle! Three cheers indeed!
Oh that is so exciting! Congratulations on the new job, it sounds like an awesome place to work. When I was looking for a new job I played around with the idea of applying to breweries, but there were no openings. Maybe one day!
Congrats on your new job. I'm very happy for you. Yikes... I'm the one that hides from change. I'm always in awe of people who thrive on it. Best wishes. :)
Congrats, it sounds really exciting!
Thanks! Hopefully this gets my foot in the door to working at other breweries :)
Thanks!! Change isn't always bad ;)
Thank you! I'm super excited!
happy for you - but will certainly miss you
Awwww, Jami! I will miss working with you too! Now it just means we have to plan more trips to the city for food and drinks ;)
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