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Netflix Lately

Friday, January 27

As much as I try to fight it, winter is a time for being lazy and retreating into the deepest corners of the couch. We have been watching a lot of Netflix lately. There have been a few things I've really enjoyed, and a few things that are just worth mentioning, so I thought I'd share them with you. Make some chocolate chip cookies, grab a tasty beverage, and settle in for an evening (or four).

Blue Jay - Grab a box of tissues and your coziest blanket before starting this one- it's a tearjerker. Shot entirely in black and white, it follows two high school sweethearts who run into each other later in life, and their story slowly unfolds. This movie is the definition of heartbreaking. Real life: I ugly-cried, and had to pause the movie because my nose was so stuffy that I couldn't breathe. I felt physically sad for two days after watching this. So worth it though.

Blind Date - A french film about an uncanny relationship between neighbors. Super cute. We got some good laughs. The subtitles aren't terrible, so that's a plus.

Hard Candy - Ellen Page plays a sixteen year old girl determined to take down a pedophile. This got way more intense than Shawn and I expected. This definitely isn't a movie with a happy ending. (Pun intended...)

Penelope - A modern fairy tale; Christina Ricci plays an aristocratic girl cursed with a pig's nose, looking for true love to break the curse. We needed something-light hearted after watching Hard Candy, and this definitely fit the bill.

The Beaver - Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster, Jennifer Lawrence, Anton Yelchin (the kid from Charlie Bartlett), and a beaver hand puppet. That pretty much sums it up. All in all, not a terrible movie- it actually starts a pretty solid dialogue about depression.

Nightcrawler - Jake Gyllenhaal plays a f*cking weirdo in this one. He's really freaking good at that.

Minimalism - A documentary about (you guessed it) minimalism. Definitely worth a watch though, if that's a concept you've been thinking about or actively working towards.

Black Mirror - This series is a bunch of stand-alone episodes that act as commentary about how we interact with modern-day technology and where that might lead us. Brilliant. And scary (in the holy-shit-that's-not-terribly-far-off sense). I've been recommending this to everyone lately.

A Series of Unfortunate Events - We've only actually watched the first episode of this so far. But I love Neil Patrick Harris, and I wish Patrick Warburton would narrate everything, all the time. I'm not actually familiar with the books, but I really like the way this is filmed.

Other shows I've been catching up on: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and New Girl - SO GOOD.

What have you been watching lately?


Unknown January 27, 2017 at 9:55 AM  

And off I go to update my Netflix list! We started watching The OA and it's definitely got me hooked. I want to rush through it, but my husband and I agreed to watch it together. We also are working our way through Supernatural.

Marine January 27, 2017 at 10:15 PM  

Hm, I hadn't heard of The OA before, but it seems right up our alley! Shawn watched Supernatural a few years ago and I caught a few episodes here and there - I liked the ones I saw, but I also get a little scared by some of that stuff. Those brothers though... mmmm.

bee sushi January 28, 2017 at 6:58 AM  

I started The Crown, it's brilliant! :)

Marine January 28, 2017 at 12:26 PM  

I've seen that on there, and heard good things! I'll look into it one of these days.

Unknown February 16, 2017 at 7:28 AM  

We love Black mirror, we watched it when it was on TV in England, it's definitely a bit different now that the US took over, but I love the messages, and your right, scarily real sometimes! If you want a laugh, you should watch Schitt's Creek, we can't get enough and just got super excited season two came on. It's so weird it's wonderful.

Marine February 16, 2017 at 6:57 PM  

Yes!! We started watching that last week - so good! I actually thought to myself, "I need to do another Netflix post!", because Netflix added a bunch of good stuff right after I posted this :-P

Matias June 3, 2017 at 12:00 PM  

A relatively new service was added recently that allows members to watch movies that are streamed online. Currently, there are 17,000 titles that can be watched free of charge. TV-Smash

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