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Back to Work

Monday, July 15

You got to see bits of the apartment last week, so here's a peek at my new workspace. It's a work in progress, but it's slowly shaping up to be awesome! I'm the pastry chef for a local coffee shop 'chain' (there are two locations); it's the same place I worked at last time we lived in Philadelphia, but this time I'm not pulling any barista shifts, I'm baking full-time! The scones are the most well-known things on the menu, but I also make muffins, cookies, loaves, pies, quiche, and whatever else my hungry heart desires. There's been a large request for gluten-free goodies so I've been dabbling in that as well. So far so good!

My first few days back were more about cleaning, organizing, and inventory rather than baking. These next few photos show the progression of the space. I wish I had thought to take a proper before photo... just imagine various coffee things spread out across all those tabletops. I used to bake in the kitchen upstairs, but the space was tiny and warm (I had only one of those stainless steel tables to work on!), so we're slowly transforming the downstairs area into a proper kitchen. There's still a ways to go and more materials to get, but it's moving along!

It's a far cry from the restaurant and bakery kitchens I've worked in, but it's my space, and I love it! Customers are super happy to have me back (seriously, I hear it at least twice a day; I'm like a local celebrity or something), and I'm happy to be back :)


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