Project 365, 335-341
Thursday, December 10
335/365: This is a proper start to the week.

336/365: I received a package in the mail and Lloyd was all about the box. See also, quiche, unrelated.

337/365: Slightly food-photo-centric this week.... made some vegetarian quesadillas that were the bomb. (Do people still stay that??)

338/365: Chasing sun beams, and colorful beer cans.

339/365: Our apartment complex decorated the vestibule for the holidays.

340/365: Cherry bars. I am not usually a fan of cherries, but hot damn, these were tasty!

341/365: I hosted a craft night with some girlfriends! More photos to come.

Favorite things this week:
- Hosting craft night! I had been planning a ladies craft night for a while, and got (what I thought to be) far too much food in preparation. We ended up eating pretty much everything, drinking a lot of beer, and making a few crafts. I love hosting small gatherings; I love the preparation and bringing people together. It just doesn't happen very often because we live in an apartment complex and I don't want to upset my neighbors.
- Spending some time with my sister. My sister rarely comes out to Philly, but she drove out and joined us for craft night! We still need to make plans to exchange gifts before she and my brother leave for Spain in two weeks. The older I get, the more I appreciate spending time with my siblings. Or maybe it has to do with the older they get...
- Holiday decorations around town. It finally feels like Christmas! Our town put up lights in the trees and little wreaths on all the lamp posts. Now if only it would snow....
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