B.Read List 2015
Wednesday, December 30
I've been slacking on posts lately; I just realized I have a bunch of drafted posts I completely forgot about. Mostly because I never ended up editing photos for them. Hm. Well, here's a quick one for ya!

Favorites: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams; Naked by David Sedaris
Least Favorites: The Master and Margherita by Mikhail Bulgakov; Blindness by Jose Saramago
Re-reads: The Books of Lost Things by John Connolly; Naked by David Sedaris; The Fuck-Up by Arthur Nersesian; 32 Stories by Adrien Tomine; Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman
To summarize: The list is short this year. My reading goals for this year were to read one book per month and to read only books from my bookshelf. While I didn't come close to accomplishing the one, I did accomplish the other (mostly)! The re-read list is long this year because most of the books I read were books I had read way back in high school and early college years. It felt good to re-read them and finally take them off the shelf for good. I cheated a little because I went out and bought the first three books from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, but I'm so happy I did because they were my favorite books to read this year! I'm currently part-way through the third book; once I finish I'll have to purchase the rest of them. I can't help but hear it in the actor's voices from the movie version... does that happen to anyone else? I just picture Mos Def and Martin Freeman the whole time I'm reading the books!
Just a note about the two books that were my least favorites - they were both gifted to me by friends long ago! The Master and Margherita shouldn't even be on this list because I did not finish it. I just couldn't bring myself to keep reading. And Blindness wasn't terrible, but it was terribly slow-moving. I don't feel any better off for having read it.
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