Project 365, 328-334
Tuesday, December 1
328/365: Plant maintenance day. Shawn moved all the plants so that they would get more sunlight. I didn't realize how many we had until I saw them all lined up! Can you tell that we enjoy beer too?

329/365: I've been training in bread baking at work... I made all the loaves this day!

330/365: Lights, camera, action!

331/365: Lloyd looking pensive. Apparently I didn't take any photos of actual Thanksgiving... but I'm sure you can all imagine what it looked like. (Insert turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, and dinner rolls here)

332/365: Nighttime cuddles.

333/365: We got our Christmas tree Saturday evening! With all the bird and squirrel ornaments we have, there's a woodland critter party all up in here!

334/365: I LOVE CHRISTMAS. So does Shawn; he had been hounding me for weeks about getting a tree. It really does make the whole place feel cozier and brighter.

Favorite things this week:
- Getting our Christmas tree! I was trying to figure out how many trees we've gotten together now and I think this is the fifth one. (I don't think we had one our first year of living together.) This one is my favorite so far... we walked around the tree lot for a while, slowly narrowing down our favorites. I wasn't sure about it until we brought it home, but it really is great! Even better? Opening up the box of ornaments and finding all the ones that you had forgotten about.
- Making plans with friends; My friend Jess and I made plans to go to New York city in January. She mentioned that she hates winter (what?!) and she likes having something to look forward to, so we decided we'll go to NYC and eat fancy food, drink fancy booze, and generally feel fancy. It is nice to have something like that to look forward to.
- Being absolutely ridiculous with Shawn; So, I've definitely never mentioned this here before, but Shawn and I have dreams of being awesome at karaoke. This means we spend a lot of our time together standing in our living room, singing fairly loudly along to songs. (I'm sure our neighbors love us....) We're trying to narrow it down to a few core songs... which means we play anything from Queen to Backstreet Boys to Bon Jovi. It's quite a sight, really. You should have seen Shawn trying to dance like Freddie Mercury. (Actually, be happy you didn't see that.) Seriously though, nothing compares to being able to be your(weird/crazy)self with someone.
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