The Academy of Natural Sciences
Thursday, January 29
During our short stay downtown, we spent a few hours wandering around The Academy of Natural Sciences - that was my only real requirement for the whole trip... I wanted to see some dinosaurs! The museum is actually quite small and aside from their dinosaur hall, they also have dioramas and a butterfly exhibit. We were also lucky enough to catch the Chocolate exhibit right before it closed. (Unfortunately, no photos were allowed in there, but they had some really neat old chocolate wrappers and tins!) Although I came for the dinosaurs, the butterflies were the highlight of the visit for me. One of the guides in the exhibit was super enthusiastic and talked to Shawn and I for at least fifteen minutes. He pulled out some dead butterflies for us to hold and showed us how the live ones get shipped there - we even got to hold a cocoon!

There was also an exhibit showcasing a few pieces by Caryn Babaian - she does amazing chalk artwork and you should check it out if you're in the area!
Really cool! Man, I'd love to see a chocolate exhibit!
It was pretty neat! It went into the whole history of it, as well as the process of actually making chocolate. They had some scent thing in the exhibit that made the whole room smell like chocolate... it made it really difficult to not buy the chocolate bars for sale at the end of the exhibit...
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