Last year I successfully completed my Week in Photos series, where every Sunday (or sometimes Monday!) I posted a bunch of photos taken over the course of each week. It was really fun to do, and it motivated me to pull my camera out on a more regular basis, thus resulting in my photography improving ever so slightly over the course of the year. Although I really enjoyed that series, I want to do a different take on it this year and follow a format you may already be familiar with through other bloggers - Project 360. The concept of Project 360 is to take at least one photograph a day, no matter what the subject matter.
The primary difference between Project 360 and my Week in Photos series is that I'll only be posting one photo for each day of the week. Towards the last few months of the series I started to feel as though I was putting too many photos into one post and the ones that felt really special to me were getting lost in the mix. I would like to be able to share more by sharing less, if that makes any sense. This way I can hopefully even post a little more often because I'll save the other photos I've taken during the week for their own posts, instead of bombarding you with twenty+ photos every Sunday! For instance, I'm hoping to do a weekly or monthly post showcasing only things I've been making at work. Trying to keep things a little bit more organized around here!
I'll continue to tag these posts with the week in photos tag, just for continuity's sake.

Shawn and I spent most of New Years day much like we did Christmas day- lounging around the apartment in our pajamas while watching movies and tv shows. He got frustrated making breakfast, thinking he burnt the potatoes and the toast (I thought it was still edible!), so we met some friends at the pub for beers and chicken fingers instead. This was also officially the ten-year anniversary of Shawn and I's first date!

My friend Lisa had a rough New Years so we went out for a drink and some snacks after work. I ordered a whiskey on the rocks (Knob Creek Rye) for the first time ever. I'm used to drinking them at home with Shawn, but I had never actually ordered one at the bar! Talk about feeling sophisticated.

I took a stealthy selfie (say
that ten times fast!) during my shift at the yoga studio. My hair is finally long enough to pull back into a bun without (m)any stray hairs! For the first time in my life I can honestly say I've been really enjoying going through the growing-out process. It's so amazing to me how different a face looks depending on the hair that is framing it.

Living within walking distance of shops, restaurants, and grocery stores is the best. I don't even mind it in the winter - it gives me an excuse to get out of the house, even if I do have to put on a few extra layers... then the apartment feels so toasty when I do get home!
I can't help but also include these two photos from New Years Eve...

We spent New Years Eve at home. I switched up my bulletin board for the new year and the cats tried to help. Then I fell asleep on the couch around 10pm and woke up just in time to see 2015 arrive. Then it was time for bed, for real. It was an incredibly boring New Years and I absolutely loved it. I've never been one to make a big deal about it.
I've been thinking about doing the 365 project for a while, maybe it's time I actually do it! I'd love to see posts about what you've been making at work, everything I've seen always looks so great and delicious! We never do a whole lot for News Years Eve either, this year we had dinner with friends, then came home and went to bed and slept right through it!
You should do it! It's a fun thing to look back on. And I'm all about quiet holidays; we never made a fuss about them growing up, so why fuss over them now?
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