I'm currently procrastinating on doing the dishes. Maybe it's too early to claim this, seeing as this is only the second post in this
"series", but it seems like every time I do one of these posts I have something in the oven. Today it's
granola. I ran out about two weeks ago and had every intention of making some last week, but with temperatures in the 80's, there was no (f-ing) way I was turning on the oven for 40 minutes. So I pushed off the reminder on my phone every day for another 24 hours. Well, today's the day! I had to run to Whole Foods to grab some honey because it's the only thing I forgot to grab initially. Of course, a trip to Whole Foods never ends up being cheap - you go in there for one or two things and walk out with a bag full of stuff... I know I can't be the only one who continuously finds myself in this predicament. Today I went in for celery and honey, and walked out with those things, plus four yogurts, mayonnaise, dijon mustard, and tonic water. To be fair, I also made chicken salad today and needed the mayo and mustard. The yogurts and tonic water were pure indulgence. They were out of my fancy tonic... they've been out of it for weeks! I settled on the store brand tonic - I ain't
that picky, man, I just want some tonic to have with my gin. Speaking of which, I'm due for another trip to the liquor store... I'm running low on gin. I love Hendrick's gin but I also hate it. Why? Because the bottle is opaque and heavy, so I can't ever tell how much is left. So one day I'll be pouring myself a shot and it'll be the last one in the bottle. Hence why I now keep two gins on hand at all times. Errrrr... yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. To be honest, I never fancied myself a gin drinker. I think people are always surprised to hear that I am. I mean, gin, it's one of those spirits most people pass over. It's basically herbal vodka. I tried one once that was too heavy on the juniper and I had to fight my way through the bottle, but for the most part, I love them all. Anyways, I think that's about all I have to say about gin.
I've been watching quite a few TED Talks lately. That's nothing new, but what
is new, is that I've been taking notes while watching them. You guys, this is a big thing for me! I mean, one, I'm terrible at taking notes. (Thank goodness for the pause button, amiright?) And two, I'm a kinesthetic learner, so I have a really hard time just sitting there and listening to things. (This is why I don't do podcasts... that's another thing people are always shocked to hear. Why is that?) I started taking notes on a whim - the TED Talk I was watching at the time just seemed to be calling me to write things down. All of a sudden, I was able to actually pay attention and take in the information better than I ever have before. I thought, "Why the hell haven't I been doing this? This is amazing!" So I've been doing it with most of the talks I've watched since. It. Is. Awesome. I seem to find myself scrounging for paper two minutes into each talk. I think I may need to start using a notebook, instead of grabbing whatever is closest to me (usually mail) and writing on that. Not only are the talks motivating me because I'm able to absorb them better, but I'm inspired to watch more of them. Seriously, grab some paper and try it. Maybe you'll find it's your jam too.
So, yesterday I ordered some business cards and bought
a new domain name. Both for yoga. I liked the idea of having a website on my cards, so I came up with a name, and bought 50 cards. (Mo is what some friends affectionately call me. I figured yogawithmarine might be confusing... plus, YoMoCo has a better ring to it.) I figured that by having the cards, it would motivate me to create the website. Perhaps that's a bit backwards, but I tend to do things that way. I have this idea that one of these days I'll start posting short yoga sequence videos, so in my head it made sense to have a website to post them to. Is this something y'all would be interested in? 20-30 minute free yoga sequences? I can already picture the wall I would film them in front of in our front room... I just have to get some more birch tree decals for it. And then maybe I could offer longer sequences for a subscription fee? I don't know. I suppose I should start with the small stuff and work my way up. I'm terrible at these things - I'm all ideas and no action. Actually, I watched a TED Talk about that recently too. It's so hard to change the habits that are ingrained in you! I'm such a procrastinator. Always have been, probably always will be. But I am really diggin' this idea! I want to share my yoga with you - it's a big part of my life and it deserves a spot here (or there) too.
It's honestly part of the reason I haven't been posting as much here lately... a lot of the stuff I used to post about seems so trivial compared to what I want to be posting about. I want more posts like this!
More down to earth, from the heart posts. I actually feel weird about my
Fun Finds Friday posts lately too. I've been trying to get out of that materialistic mindset and it seems counterintuitive to post photos of things I "want", when I'd rather be posting more links to things that I find interesting, or mind-blowing, or whatever. But in my head I've built up this idea that all posts should have at least one photo to accompany them, so I've kept posting the visual wish lists too, even though I feel odd about it. I mean, I just posted my 140th Fun Finds Friday post... am I wrong to worry that changing the idea of them at this point would be weird? Perhaps I'm overthinking it (most likely true). You guys probably wouldn't care if those posts became more writing/linkage than photos. I don't know. Your feedback is appreciated :) I just feel like my priorities have changed over the past few months and blogging isn't as fulfilling as it used to be. I still love this space and want to keep it around, but it hasn't been feeling much like me and I'm not sure how to put some of the things I want to write about into words. Does that make sense? I hope so, because I want to keep y'all around, but I also want to make sure this space is worth you stopping by for.
Well, that's enough blabber for today. I dig this though. It feels... authentic. Let's do this more often :)