Fun Finds Friday #141
Friday, May 12

- Does anyone else think a typewriter keyboard is super awesome?!?!?!
- I really enjoy this poem. Self love is the most important love.
- How to plan a wedding in five days. Because, seriously, who needs all that other wedding B.S.? (Not us!)
- As someone who only uses soap & moisturizer every day, I can agree with this post.
- I like shirts with food on them.
- Apparently, cats are nice. Well, duh.
- This is the kind of art I can appreciate. (Anything that makes me smile.)
- Small house dreams. Because we all have them! No? Just me? Okay.
- Annnnnd on that note.... the end of that article made me think of that show Hoarders, and how people spiral into a weird emotional state concerning stuff when they lose someone. I like my stuff because it makes me smile and because it's pretty, but I'm not opposed to getting rid of it, especially if it's not serving a purpose. But I also like having quirky things displayed around our home. Does that mean I'm emotionally invested in it? I don't happen to think so. I'd love to know your thoughts on this.
* In light of my last post, I've changed the format of Fun Finds Friday posts ever so slightly. No more materialistic images, just a good old fashioned generic image and a handful of links. Now, that doesn't mean I won't link to clothes and such still, but I like to think this is much more streamlined and in tune with my current attitude towards things. The content is still the same! I just don't feel like bombarding you with images of stuff.
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