Project 365, 194-206
Sunday, July 26
I am a week behind on these, so here's two weeks worth of photos. The delay is because I couldn't get my phone to sync with my computer last week. I have been uploading things via wi-fi using AirDroid, but we moved our router recently and it stopped working for me. So I decided to plug my charger cord into the computer instead... something I hadn't done since I initially got the phone over a year ago and had subsequently found out they wouldn't sync. Well, lo-and-behold, with all the system updates since then, the phone connected to the computer without any trouble. So, there's that.
Also! I finally purchased, so update your feed readers! It should automatically re-direct you regardless, but I thought I should make an announcement nonetheless... it has been a long time since I've had a proper domain name, but Pictures & Paragraphs is here to stay for a while, so it's only appropriate that I give this blog the home it deserves.
194/365: Kaylah had another printed pouch sale and I was actually home to purchase one before they sold out! Now if only I can figure out what to put in it....

195/365: I needed to return something to Anthropologie so I took the train to the one downtown and treated myself to a drink and fries at Village Whiskey. Maybe it's strange, but I actually really enjoy spending a few hours downtown by myself and having lunch alone. It's relaxing.

196/365: Not really sure what to say about this one. Lloyd loves that box.

197/365: My bridesmaid dress needed some tailoring, so I took it upon myself to bring in a few other things that have also been needing tailoring... I've had that blazer for over 5 years now and it has never fit. Now it does! Also, I am definitely not short on summer dresses.

198/365: I love the colors of summer vegetables!

199/365: Especially when they're used to top tacos. I have been on a taco kick lately; I want tacos every damn day! And yes, I totally styled this photo.

200/365: Just the view from the bar at work. Having a post-shift brew!

201/365: I cleaned out some of the drawers in my desk... So Much Stationary.....

202/365: Hey guys, it's not like I'm trying to prep fabric for sewing or anything.

203/365: "What do you mean I'm not supposed to be on the coffee table?!"

204/365: Shawn drew some of his strange little monsters on our kitchen window. They make cool reflections!

205/365: Hm. I don't think it's good etiquette to bring a baby to the pub.

206/365: I spent ten minutes looking for Lloyd before work... sneaky little guy.

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