Thursday, July 23
So.... things have been quiet on the blog this week because I can't seem to upload my photos onto my computer! We switched the location of our wireless router and now my phone won't sync up with my computer anymore. And my computer doesn't recognize it when it's plugged in, so.... yeah. I'll figure something out. In the mean time, here's what I've been up to lately.

Sightseers - I had come across the trailer for this some time last year, and then it was brought to my attention more recently when I saw it mentioned by another blogger... then I found out it was on Netflix so Shawn and I settled in to watch it on our last day off together. It had a slow start and the story was quite awkward, but that seems to be the case with most independent films. I would say it's worth a watch though!
The One That I Love - After the aforementioned movie, I told Shawn about this one, which I had watched by myself months ago. Netflix has it listed as a comedy, but it's more of a romantic sci-fi thriller. I enjoyed it just as much the second time around, and Shawn did too, as I suspected.
Love, Lust, or Run - Makeover shows are my guilty pleasure (whether they come in the form of mis-dressed people or renovated houses), and What Not to Wear was my absolute favorite back in the day. Imagine my delight when I heard that Stacy London is now hosting a new show, similar to WNtW but also a spin off of the BBC's Snog, Marry, Avoid. I've caught every episode on YouTube, since we don't have cable. I love and hate that the episodes are only 20 minutes long.
I'm still working my way through my bookcase. About a month or so ago I started reading The Master and Margherita, but I just could not get into it. I read about 35 pages and then decided that was enough. I don't usually do that with books, but I really didn't feel like wasting my time with this one. I'm actually a little offended because it was given to me in high school by a friend under the pretense that I "would really love it". Hm, maybe that friend didn't know me very well after all. So I picked up The Perks of Being a Wallflower instead and have been breezing through that. It's fun to re-read books I read as a teenager- they're easy to get through, and I don't feel bad donating them afterwards. If something has been sitting on my bookshelf for that long, I might as well re-read it before giving it away!
The most exciting thing in my life right now is that my dad bought me plane tickets to visit them in Madrid in October! We'll also be spending a weekend in Barcelona (I booked accomodations on airbnb; we'll be staying here!) - I can't wait! I've never been to Spain before, so getting to see two major cities in one trip is a big deal. The only downside is that my passport expires at the end of the year and I need to renew it before my trip. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but since I'm a French citizen, I have to go to either the French Consulate in DC or in New York to do this, since the Philadelphia location doesn't deal with passports. So now I'm looking at a day trip (or two) just to do that. But, it's totally worth the hassle! At least, I'll be thinking that in October once my feet are on Spanish soil....
Arg, computer troubles are such a drag. I always just email photos to myself from my phone to get them on my computer, although is gets tedious if you want to do a whole bunch.. That's so exciting about your trip to Spain! And I didn't know you were a French citizen, how neat!
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