Project 365, 75-81
Sunday, March 22

I wish we had a better view of the sunrise from our apartment.

Here's what we know about our downstairs neighbors: they have parties every Friday night and like to blast music way past the hours noted in our lease, they're a couple and she has loud arguments with him after work at least once a week, sometimes they're still awake at 3:30am when I leave for work, and apparently they drink a lot of growlers.

Went for my first run of the year! Ran most of a mile in ten minutes. Couldn't handle much more than that because the wind was wicked!

Hawaiian pizza is where it's at!

I did not edit these to be black and white; that's just what the first day of spring looked like, naturally.

Visited my friend Amy in New Jersey and talked about all-things-wedding for her upcoming nuptials in August. We stopped into a few local shops and I spoke more French over the course of an hour than I have all year! (Who knew there were so many French people around there?) Bought some meyer lemon infused olive oil that I'm stoked about!

Reflections at our local brew pub.
I think I've said this before, but Mondays are the hardest day for me photo-wise. I don't ever make plans to do anything because I work an 11-hour day, and it's usually the least interesting work day for me because it's mostly catching up and re-stocking what we went through over the weekend. What sucks the most about it though, is that the Monday photos are the first photo of the post and they're always my least favorite! Hopefully they'll get more interesting as spring and summer roll in. But that would entail doing something other than working and sleeping on a Monday.... can I just skip Monday photos? Oh, is that not how this works? Oh well....
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