February Baking
Wednesday, March 4

Lemon cupcakes

Linzer cookies

Shortbread hearts

Butterscotch blondies

Chocolate sandwich cookies

Chocolate chip coconut macaroons

Tart shell prep

Bridal shower cake

Petit fours (this particular combo makes me think of mermaids....)

Vanilla cupcakes
While I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day, I am a fan of any excuse to make themed pastries! So February was all about hearts and the color pink. We had Valentine's Day tea with a special menu, including a raspberry double chocolate scone, flourless chocolate cake, macadamia nut bark, fruit tarts... and other things I can't remember at this point because I didn't take any photos (!) and it was too long ago. We create special menus for all the major holidays, which means making treats that are a little 'fancier' than our usual goodies, or that use more expensive ingredients we don't normally get a chance to use. The only problem is that I'm rarely working on those days, since they're always on a weekend. So I hardly ever get photos of the finished product! And the prep photos are never as exciting. Boo! February was fun though; a great month to get all caught up again after the frenzy of the Christmas/New Years holidays of the months prior.
Once you made the mermaid comparison, it's all I could see! Love that color combo, but I'm sure they tasted even better. And the OCD part of me is so happy the heart cutouts from the Linzer cookies ended up being used on their own, too. Whew! That is a fierce amount of baking, girl. How do you resist the urge to eat it all?? xo
I am actually not a fan of how the petit fours taste... it's a combo of almond cake with raspberry jam and apricot glaze, and it is SO sweet. Tooth-achingly sweet. But they look so cute! And it's funny, everyone always asks that same question and my answer is always: I taste everything but I don't eat anything. Other than chocolate chip cookies. They are my kryptonite....
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