Week in Photos: Week 49
Sunday, December 7


We decorated for Christmas in the kitchen. Lisa brought in an awesome homemade Advent Calendar!

I saw faces in the scones.


I've been sending out packages and letters this month - I love sending people things in the mail!!

You deserve a donut.

No, really, you do.

How about a whole apple pie, just for you? You deserve that too.

I get to be part of strangers' special days, in my own way.

I'm always telling myself "don't forget your sunglasses"...

Got caught creepin'.

These two.

We got our tree today! Just in time for my parents' visit next weekend!
(Does anyone else find it difficult to take a proper photo of the tree? All those lights!)

M is for lots of things... but mostly me.
This week was mostly just waiting in anticipation until we could get our tree. Shawn and I have opposite schedules, so we don't really see much of each other until the weekends when I'm actually home during the day.... so we had to wait. I love Christmas! Getting the tree and decking it is one of my favorite things to do because it brings back memories of doing it as a family each year growing up. Shawn picked the tree this year; it was the cheapest and skinniest guy in the lot... just like him ;-) In all seriousness though, I think he picked well. I was in favor of the wide fluffy trees, but this one suits our space much better. We need more ornaments though! I don't remember last year's tree being sparsely decorated, but it must have been because we don't have many ornaments. Family and friends that read this blog: get us ornaments for Christmas, please! I'm also working on some homemade stockings for the four of us. I love the fabric I picked out!
I love the tradition and memories of decorating the tree too! Man all those treats look so good, especially the scones!
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