The Cats and the Christmas Tree
Tuesday, December 16
One of our primary concerns when we got last year's tree was how Lloyd would react to it... and we felt the same way this year with Sylvester. Lucky for us, neither of these guys are tree climbers! They're both content just laying underneath it all day. We've had a handful of ornaments fall off the bottom branches, but we think it's from them brushing up against the tree rather than trying to play with them. All in all, our little guys have great tree manners!

Looks like Santa left us a... cow?

Last year I bought two monogram ornaments for Shawn and I, as well as one for Lloyd. I felt bad that Sylvester didn't have one too, so I bought one for him this year! (I think it's this year's version of Lloyd's from last year...) I also found a cute fox ornament, and since we call Sylvester Sly because he looks a bit fox-ish, I thought it appropriate to buy. Funny thing is, when it arrived, one of it's ears were broken! Just like Sylvester's!

Now I just need to find a bear ornament for Lloyd, because he's my little bear... let me know if you've seen any cute ones!
Lloyd and Sylvester are far more well-behaved than Fitz, who thinks the Christmas tree is just a shiny obstacle in his quest to drink the water from the stand. He also insists on running as fast as he can towards it, only to divert at the last second, sending the ornaments bouncing precariously. What a loon. :) xo
our cats used to love chomping on the christmas tree and batting down ornaments, but now they could care less! I've probably said this before, but I call one of our cats my little bear too.
aww your kitties look super cute under the tea. One of mine, ed, well she likes to eat ours, she doesn't learn that it makes her sick.
You're so lucky you have such behaved guys! Mine are constantly eating my tree and batting the ornaments. They look so darn cute hanging out underneath it!
That sounds entertaining though!
Maybe they got it out of their system? I guess that's good! And little bear seems to fit certain cats... I can't remember why we started calling Lloyd that, I just know it fits him.
:( We thought Sylvester was eating the tree for a bit because he was getting sick, but we never caught him doing it. Silly cats!
When I saw your posts about the cats and the tree, I felt for you. Yours seem thoroughly entertained by everything, ours could care less!
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