My Fall Fashion Formula
Tuesday, October 28

jacket, scarf, shirt, pants, shoes: Anthropologie

This jacket + these pants + these shoes + a tunic + a scarf are my formula for the perfect fall wardrobe this year. I've been wearing the first three almost every day, switching up the scarf, top, and sometimes the shoes depending on my mood. My neighbors must think I have only these few items of clothing... and they're pretty much right. I actually have this top in two different colors, which works out in my favor because it means I can wear the same outfit two days in a row but switch up the colors... and considering I have enough scarves to last me about two weeks interchangeably... well, let's just say I can fool people into thinking I'm wearing completely different outfits each day just by switching up my scarves.
You've probably noticed from my last few outfit posts that everything I wear seems to be from Anthropologie. Over the past few months I've been slowly but surely curating my wardrobe and I've come to the conclusion that my half-year stint working at Anthro did me well, or, it did well for my wardrobe at least. I have given away most of my clothing that's not from Anthropologie or Gap, leaving me with a much lighter closet full of pieces that I absolutely love. It's so refreshing! I can get dressed in much less time now, and I find myself satisfied with pretty much every outfit I choose because I know all the pieces fit me well and fit together. I've also found myself gravitating more towards neutrals, now that I have a closet full of colorful accessories to embellish with. Who would have thought that all the minimalist fashion bloggers were on to something?!
This is a great fall outfit! I've never gotten anything from anthropologie, but I definitely want to check it out!
You definitely should! The clothes are on the pricier side, but most pieces are worth the investment if you're looking for something special or particular. They're good for basics and not-so-basics alike!
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