Birthday Wish List
Saturday, October 4
My birthday is in two and a half weeks! I'll be turning 27. Seven is a good number in my book, so hopefully that means it'll be a spectacular year! I'm trying to get it off to a good start by making the most of the month of October. I have something fun planned for every weekend of the month, soooooo, so far so good! In the meantime, here's a little collage of things I wouldn't mind getting from any potential gift-givers this year...

Omerica Organic makes the prettiest plugs, and I'm definitely due for some new ones. Shawn got me two new pairs for my birthday two years ago (or was it last year? I can't remember...), but one of the plugs fell down the drain in the bathroom :'( and the other pair I've been wearing to death. So, time for some new ones. I've really been diggin' on those three designs up there.
The Catalina Bag from Lo & Sons looks like the perfect short-trip travel bag. I have one large travel bag that is great for longer trips (like when I go visit my parents and I have to bring a million winter coats with me), but when I took my weekend road trip to Miami, I had to borrow a bag from my sister. I've been looking for one to call my own ever since!
Birkenstocks are my jam. I've had my current pair for about three or five years now (man, I really suck at this time-memory thing...) and I wear them literally every day during the warmer months. I love them to death, but it may be time for a new pair. Those cheetah print ones speak to me in sweet sultry voices.
MyYogaPro is a brand new website devoted to online yoga lessons and videos. I've been gradually getting back into a regular practice recently with Erin Motz's 30 Day Yoga Challenge, and I love her teaching style. She helped create My Yoga Pro and I'd really love to get a subscription so that I can access more of her awesome classes, and in turn, practice yoga on the regular again, but from home! Also, it feels good to put a non-materialistic gift idea on this list.
Etsy is an amazing place, as I'm sure everyone already knows. My wish list on Etsy is dozens of pages long, but I just can't ever seem to pull the trigger on any particular purchase. (The poster, shirt, and necklace above are all Etsy finds.) I'm not usually a fan of gift cards, mainly because they're rarely for places that I want to shop at, but I would really appreciate a gift card to Etsy! It's like having a gift card to the entire mall, except it's an online mall, and the stores are awesome.
Trask's Keira Sandals are sooooo beautiful. I couldn't decide between them and the Birkenstocks, so they're both on this list. If we're being totally honest here, I can afford to buy the Birks myself, but I can't really afford the Keira sandals... so yeah, those would make a beautiful gift :) Just sayin'....
Jeez... when did I become such an adult? I mean, high quality shoes and travel bags? Helloooo practical. I guess your wants and needs change as you get older. I would have put underwear and socks on this list too, but I don't think you all need to know what kind of underwear I buy. Ok fine... if you must know, my favorites are the boybriefs from Aerie. Especially the ones with lace accents. Now you know. Go forth and shop! If not for me, then at least for yourself.
Haha it is weird to see your wishlists change as you get older, I once got some dish towels for Christmas and I was so excited! I'd love to have a nice travel bag too, ohh and the cheetah print birkenstocks are so cool!
Shawn's mom gets us holiday-themed dish towels every Christmas! It's nice because it avoids us having to get some. Anything practical that I don't have to spend money on is a good thing!
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