Thursday, August 4
I only posted twice in July and both were birthday posts for the boys. WOW. Indicator of an obsessed cat-mom, or of a busy/working/lazy lady? Are you guys dying for a real-life update, or what?! Not much has changed around here. Shawn moved the furniture around, not that you would know... since I haven't shown you many photos of the apartment yet. (Soon though, I promise! I want to get some plants and another rug or two first...) My sister was in town for a week! She was house/dog-sitting for some friends of mine, and we had a ton of fun while she was here! I've got a post with photos from the Magic Gardens coming up. I also went to the beach. And fell asleep. And got really really burnt. But it's all good now - I pretty much just have a skin bikini for the time being. And some lots of extra freckles!
Oh, and I got a new job! I start in a little over a week. An opportunity arose, and I decided that it was time to move on from the brew pub. I'll be baking croissants, danish, and tarts at a local wholesale French bakery. I am overjoyed to finally learn how to make croissants from scratch, and from a French pastry chef! Nothing like learning new skills, amiright? These are seriously the best croissants in Philly, hands down. When I decided to make the switch, Shawn and I both let out a sigh of relief. I'm not going to go into the nitty gritty details, but I finally feel like I'm adulting correctly. Know what I mean?

Favorite things lately...
- Summer sunsets, and summer rainstorms... sudden afternoon summer showers are my favorite!
- We're planning on going to the Renaissance Faire at least a handful of times this summer, so I finally got myself a proper costume. We're going for opening weekend on Sunday - I can't wait!
- I love Philadelphia in the summertime. All the locals go away on vacation and the city is so much more peaceful. There's just something about walking around without all the hustle and bustle... makes it worth the train ride in.
- Yoga teacher training really sunk in for me last month and I've been more mindful of how I'm breathing during stressful situations. It was like a light bulb went off in my head and I realized "Oh! That's how I use these tools off the mat!" Mindfulness, awareness, forgiveness... all very useful stuff right there.
- Speaking of teacher training, I sewed up a quick tote bag to carry all of my books and snacks to and from class. And I remembered to take photos along the way! That means there should be a DIY tote bag tutorial on the blog soon! :)
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