Wednesday, April 20

Favorite things lately:
- The sunlight in this apartment. I think we'll all miss how the rays light up different corners of each room at different points in the day. Our new apartment will be sunny too, but going through photos of this place really makes me appreciate the sunlight I've been able to capture.
- Having a clean and tidy apartment. I mean, we keep it clean all the time but it's not always tidy. The prospect of our landlord showing the apartment over the next few weeks though has us keeping the place in tip top shape lately... and I won't lie, it's pretty sweet.
- Morning snuggles with Lloyd while I'm trying to read on the couch. I have to cover myself in a thick blanket- he's a digger, and his claws are sharp!
- Changing up my cookie game to make something special for a friend's birthday. I never liked black & white cookies... until I made some myself!
- Speaking of culinary-creativity, we've been so much better about using up all our ingredients and leftovers lately. I made a pizza with the spinach, tomatoes, and onion left over from that quiche. And Shawn took the leftover chicken tikka and made a coconut curry with it!
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