Wednesday, March 2

I haven't been taking many photos lately... just a lot of photos of the cats, but that's nothing new. We keep being teased with warm spring weather for a day or two and then the temperatures drop right back down to freezing. This constant shift has been taking a toll on my sinuses, and I can't seem to get rid of this congestion that has been plaqueing me for weeks now. Hopefully the temperatures will stay up in the more pleasant range soon and I can start enjoying being outside again!
Favorite things lately...
- Silly cat faces!
- I've been making so much tasty food lately! Some tried and true, and some new. That has been one benefit of being cooped up inside this year... more motivation to make food at home. I will be posting more recipes here - I promise!
- I got to see both of my siblings in the past two weeks and that makes me happy :) We don't see each other very often, so there's always a lot to catch up on. They both seem pretty happy though!
- Two weekends ago I met up with some girlfriends to see The Chippendales at the Sands Event Center! Mind you, this is not something I thought I would ever do in this lifetime, but with the right group of ladies it seemed like an interesting prospect. My friend Amy invited me out of the blue, and at first I said I wasn't interested but then Shawn said I should go (!), so I did. It was... entertaining. We were all laughing hysterically the entire time. And afterwards I won $71 at the casino!
- Every single one of these bullet points ended with an exclamation point! That makes me happy!
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