Snow Day
Wednesday, January 27
The title of this post is, in fact, misleading. Why? Because Storm Jonas was more of a snow weekend... and I still had to work, so I never actually got a snow day. Everyone on the east coast knows about the epic snow fall that hit over the weekend. I'm not sure exactly how many inches we got here because the wind created some crazy snow drifts... but it looks to have been anywhere from 18-24 inches! The last time we saw this much snow was in 2010, when Shawn and I drove down to Virginia for a job interview and got stuck at a hotel for a weekend.... but that's a story for another day.

Yep, that's my car up there... that was fun to dig out Sunday afternoon! Mine wasn't even too bad - the photo above that one is also of cars.... you just can't see them! Despite all the snow fall, I actually had to work all weekend. We had a skeleton crew that consisted of the five of us who lived locally and could walk to the brew pub. There wasn't a lot of foot traffic over the weekend, but it was kinda fun to trudge through the first foot of snowfall at 6am on Saturday morning and have the place to myself for a few hours while I baked bread.
The side streets are still a mess around here, but yesterday's higher temperatures helped melt a lot of the snow. I think almost everything will be back to normal by the end of the week!
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