Project 365, 293-299
Tuesday, October 27
293/365: Trader Joe's makes a par-baked ciabatta pizza crust that is delicious. We buy them two at a time and store them in the freezer until we're feeling pizza-y (which, honestly, when are we not feeling pizza-y?) Last week Shawn made pulled pork and we had it on everything, including pizza.

293/365: Cloud patterns make me smile.

293/365: Croissants + crafts (+ nutella) = :-D

293/365: Thursday was my birthday and I worked until 8pm then came home, made tandoori chicken and donuts from scratch, and then fell asleep. It was the most uneventful birthday ever. And my donuts could have been better.

293/365: I'm trying to get into doing yoga at home, but it's difficult to make the space for it (both physically and mentally). So I downloaded a daily yoga app for sequence ideas and wrote them down, because I do so much better when things are on paper.

293/365: This may be my favorite photo of Sly so far!

293/365: Came home Sunday night to this. Lloyd promptly stretched out and then fell right back into position.

Okay, I've been saying this for two weeks now, but seriously, Spain photos tomorrow!!
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