Project 365, 236-243
Thursday, September 3
236/365: I spent the better part of the afternoon at the Philadelphia Outlets to buy myself some chinos. Somehow, the outlets always suck people in like that... you think you'll be there for an hour or two and next thing you know, five hours have gone by! But in those five hours, I managed to walk away with only two chinos (one was $4.88!!), a pair of shoes (that I've had my eyes on for months and definitely splurged on but as you can see, my favorite pair is well-worn and needed replacing...), and the most comfortable yoga pants ever. (Can I get a huzzah for self control?)

237/365: Gearing up for a wedding weekend bonanza. (#happilyeveremersons2015) And yes, Shawn and I have a nifty weekly calendar on our fridge where we jot down our schedules.

238/365: I sent this photo to my hairdresser to show her how much the pink has faded in a week and a half. She offered to redo it, but I actually kind of like how it has faded into a rose color. I may go back before the end of the month though.

239/365: An amazing customer at work brought us a big box of Federal Donuts. Cue: happiness.

240/365: Our trip to New Jersey began with an obligatory stop at 25 Burgers. If you've never had 25 Burgers, you simply do not understand the amazingness. NO. Five Guys does not even begin to compare, so don't even say it. Get your ass to 25 Burgers and shut the hell up.

241/365: Weddings always seem to go by so quickly when you're part of the bridal party. I think it's because you're so involved in the days leading up to them that the wedding itself seems like just a blip in the time frame as a whole. I did not take any photos during the actual wedding. I did, however, help paint the table numbers, get mayonnaise on my dress before the ceremony and photos, give the bride emotional support, laughter, and sandwiches prior to the moment she had been building up to for over a year, cry during the vows, and dance somewhat-freely due to the number of alcoholic beverages I consumed. It was, for lack of a better word at the moment, an awesome day.

242/365: And I brought home my bridesmaid bouquet, which actually stayed alive almost a whole week! I tossed it this morning because the roses were beginning to look a little lackluster.

Overall, a fairly exciting week with not-so-exciting photos. I don't have much else to report, other than the month of September being pretty smooth sailing until I leave for Madrid at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to a little lack of excitement until then.... a few weeks of relaxation before a few weeks of relaxation elsewhere is always appreciated.
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