Project 365, 159-165
Monday, June 15
159/365: My friend/colleague Jami gave me a cute bag filled with fruit on our last day working together.

160/365: Sylvester is always judging me.

161/365: Shawn said he got me something as a surprise..... I was not expecting a key lime pie!!

162/365: Margaritas with the girls from work as a bittersweet celebration of change.

163/365: Tried something new for dinner.... open-faced caprese chicken sandwiches. Yum!

164/365: Co-hosted my friend Amy's bridal shower! Months of planning, and all of a sudden, it was time!

165/365: When in doubt, cats.

I don't have much to say about last week except that I really hope to never leave a job and host a bridal shower in the same week ever again. Talk about not sleeping! Of course my last week at work was filled with projects... which meant I spent my Friday night scouring the grocery store, baking cupcakes, making caprese skewers, frosting cupcakes, wrapping gifts, and locating my head to put it back atop my shoulders. But now I have a few free days before starting my new job, and I intend to fill that time with lots of yoga, crafting, and blogging!
Enjoy the free time between your jobs! Ahh, my tuxedo cat gives me the same sly looks...
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