Project 365, 96-102
Sunday, April 12

Took a trip to Terrain after work; I love that place!

I ordered from Vain Pursuits about a month ago and my package finally arrived! I'll be doing a post about it once I've had a chance to use the products for a bit. So far so good!

Lloyd accurately depicted how Wednesday felt. Or the whole week, for that matter. Too many rainy days in a row.

We had dinner with some friends at a local pub. At some point, an older Irish gentleman (one of Shawn's regular customers) approached us and taught us a funny napkin folding trick. I was the only one actually paying attention to how it was done... everyone else was too busy laughing!

I love waking up with cats!

Shawn decided to make cheddar potatoes to go along with the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches I made... it was delicious, but far too much food.

Today was warm and bright, so I insisted that we take a walk. We walked to get tacos, and then walked back. (Food is the best motivator.) Also, Sylvester loves chips. Whenever he hears a bag, he's on your lap lickety-split!
Oh Sylvester is hoping one of those chips will drop. What a smart boy he is. :) LOL to Lloyd's sleeping pose. Yeah, some days do feel like that.
He's always hoping we'll leave some food for him... he's the hungriest cat I've ever met!
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