Project 365, 47-53
Monday, February 23

Monday photos are always a struggle because my day pretty much looks like this: bed - work - home for two hours - work - nap - bed. So, here's a photo of my to-do list at work and a valentine I got from a co-worker.

I took a snow day from work because, well, it snowed, and I had to reschedule a doctor's appointment three times, which took up a good portion of the afternoon. Sylvester loved having me home though! Shawn works all day on Tuesdays so the cats are always so happy to see me when I get home.

Moved some furniture around and brought the coffee table back out to use as an actual coffee table. If you're looking for Sylvester, this is his new favorite spot.

Finally, a bright sunny day!

A new bread bakery opened up near work and they sell campfire bread. Yes, it is exactly what you think it is.

I worked on Saturday and then drove home in the snow... it took twice as long as normal but I made it home without any incidents. Then I took my first bath in I-don't-know-how-many-years... I am not a bath taker. But something just called for it on Saturday. I think it'd enjoy it more if I had bubble bath.

Took a trip to the local stationary store to look at some invitations. I'm going to be in my friend's wedding in August so it's time to plan the bridal shower! Invitations are pretty but they're so expensive!
I can't believe Sylvester made an appearance in three of these this week! I guess it's only fair, since Lloyd is usually way more featured on the blog. I also can't believe I didn't get any photos of the snow. I'm over it though. I was really hoping for a good foot or so of snow this year, not these 2-4 inch storms we've been getting that do nothing other than screw up transit for a few hours. I want an honest snow day, where I can tromp around in my tall snow boots and actually pull out my snow-coat. (They're both still in storage - there hasn't been a need for them yet!) And if we're not going to be graced with an epic storm (sorry, Boston and everyone else in the upper north east!), then it should just be spring already. Enough of this bitter cold!
My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I saw that campfire bread, my husband asked if I was ok! It snowed a pretty pathetic amount here too, I either want a lot of snow or none at all!
Oh, that bath looks wickedly relaxing and comfy. And oh my god, that campfire bread! What! Is that like s'mores in bread?? How have I never had it before? Need that immediately!
Check out! They have super affordable, really charming and pretty invitations and stationary for just about anything, and it all comes in coordinating lines so you can get matching envelopes or response cards, etc. etc. Just a suggestion! Good luck planning the shower! xo
I brought that bread in to share at work with three other ladies... it didn't stand a chance. And I agree! All or nothing!
IT IS S'MORES IN BREAD. Marshmallow chocolatey sugary goodness. Because bread doesn't always have to be a savory thing.
And thanks! Any suggestions are always appreciated! I hosted a shower for a friend two years ago, but her mother took care of all the little details like that... so this time around I'm like, AHHHHH!!!
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