Week in Photos: Week 45
Monday, November 10
I did not take a lot of photos this week. I also didn't do a whole lot besides work this week... so here are photos of things I made at work!

I played around with some rolled fondant...

...brought some nature into the kitchen...

...and topped some pumpkin cupcakes with a small dose of cute!

Made these orange almond cookies, which were surprisingly delicious! (I say surprisingly because I'm not usually one for orange or almond flavored things.)

Tried my hand at some madeleines... but forgot to spray the pans. (They were soooo tasty though!)

I remembered to spray for the second batch, but I forgot to sift the flour, so air pockets formed. Derp!

Lloyd is such a little instigator.

The sky made all sorts of fun colors on Friday.

I missed this one by a minute! The sunset changes so quickly!
And that was pretty much it! I worked the past two Saturdays, but had an actual weekend this week, which I celebrated by renting some movies from the video store (Chef, King of the Hill, and Jeeves & Wooster), making white chili, and switching the two closets in our apartment (they're so much better organized now!). And now it's Monday and I'm not ready to go back to work!
Glad you were able to have a saturday off! I have been working a lot lately too and had to have a few relaxing days to calm down from it all. Those little leaves are so cute!
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