Week in Photos: Week 48
Sunday, November 30

It's amazing that the cats put up with me sometimes.

Peppermint chocolate chip... mmm! It's peppermint season!

Hmm... perhaps we shouldn't have let these burn for so long...

A picture perfect omelet! I've been using pre-roasted veggies to make easy quick omelets in the mornings.


We tried to take a family photo. We failed. At least we got breakfast together.

And we FaceTimed with our parents. And their dogs. From my brother's Buick.

We had a small Thanksgiving meal this year, just Shawn, his mum, and me.

Thanksgiving is over, now it's time for Christmas to make its way into EVERYTHING!

I made confetti cookies for a gingerbread house building workshop at work.

How adorable are those little peppermint candy cane sprinkles?!

Lloyd had to go to the vet this week for a dental exam. He hadn't been acting like himself for weeks, so we knew something was wrong... turns out he has mild gingivitis which gave him a gum infection. As soon as I pulled out the cat carrier he willingly got into it on his own. (That's when you know your cat is sick!) He has been so much happier since his vet visit!

Here's a sneak peek at Shawn's birthday present to me...
HINT: I finally added on to my 5-year old tattoo. You can't see it until it heals though!

This is my view on Sunday mornings! I check people in and clean the studio after classes.

While the classes are going on I can pretty much do whatever I want, as long as it's quiet. I've taken to reading, and writing letters. Anybody want a penpal? I have lots of cute stationary to write on!

NEWS FLASH! I wore jeans today. My friends always marvel at the fact that I never wear them. This is the only pair I own. I find jeans so uncomfortable otherwise! How come everyone else loves them so much?
I think this is the first time in a long time I haven't written any posts between my week in photo posts... but I suppose it's been a busy week, with the holiday and all. Shawn and I spent Thanksgiving with his mother, just the three of us, since his brother and his wife were in Florida for the week. I managed to wrangle up my siblings for an hour or so, so that we could all get breakfast together- we couldn't remember the last time the three of us last got together! Thanksgiving didn't last long for us though; Shawn came down with pink eye on Thursday and was feeling pretty miserable, so we headed home right after the meal. On Friday I got into the Christmas spirit at work and made some treats for a gingerbread house building workshop we're doing at work this Sunday and next. I love Christmas though, so it was fun to finally make peppermint/red/green themed treats! And on Saturday I drove back out to New Jersey, got a tattoo, and visited some friends in their newly acquired house and barn. So yeah, it was a busy week! But I got to spend it with family and friends, and those are the best kinds of weeks!