Week in Photos: Week 37
Monday, September 15

The days are getting shorter again...

These guys take over my desk every morning.

The tomato plants at work have been full of deliciousness!

Pistachios are my favorite but they're so expensive! Thankfully Graze Box sends them to me.

I had never thought to make a veggie wrap for lunch at work until last week.

King of Prussia is huge... make sure you know where you parked!

Earl Grey tea cookies, anyone?

Perhaps s'mores cupcakes are more your speed.

These pumpkin snickerdoodle cookies were super time consuming to make, but delicious!

Basking in the glow of the sun.

We went back to the Renaissance Faire on Sunday!

There were lots of pirates milling around.

(Shawn was one of them.)

I'd love to learn how to play the harp!

Yeah... we're cute sometimes.

Sunday ended with a game night. Uno Stacko is so much fun!

Oh, and I bought my first TV ever. It was an early birthday gift for Shawn. (Today's his birthday!) It's so nice!
(This was our old TV)
I hope you all had a great week and weekend! On our way home from the Renaissance Faire, I got pulled over for speeding... (my family will be surprised to hear this, because they all think I drive like a grandma...) but the cop let me off with a warning because I was honest with him when he asked if I was aware I'd been speeding. (Yeah, I was definitely aware that the limit was 35 and that was not the speed I was going!) He said, "You're the first person to be honest with me today; I can't give a ticket to an honest person." Well, let that be a lesson to the rest of you speedy drivers... lying won't help your case when you're dealing with the police. They appreciate a little honestly, just like any other person!
Pistachios are my favorite type of nut! But I stopped buying them because they're just so expensive D; That's awesome you ended up not getting a ticket! I almost never speed either but I feel like the one time I do, I'm gonna get pulled over because that's just the luck I have. If I do though I'll definitely take your advice! :)
Photos of your baked goodies always make me hungry!
1. Pistachios are hella expensive, but my aunt always buys a giant bag at Sam's Club or BJs before we come over for family gatherings, and we all swarm around it. So delicious, so addictive!
2. You guys are adorable in your Renn Fair getups!!
3. What a nice cop!! Does that make up for the two parking tickets you got last week? I hope so!!
4. Happy birthday to Shawn! xo
I speed more often than I'd like to admit, but I rarely see cops on the road. I'm going to be much more careful now though!
Aw, thanks! I really need to start posting recipes again!
1. I'm jealous! I would probably eat a bag that size in one sitting...
2. Thank you!! We think so too ;)
3. Yes, that definitely made up for the frustration of the two parking tickets. Here's hoping all that car/brush with the law stuff is over for a while though!
4. He says thanks!!
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