Lloyd & Sylvester
Tuesday, July 1
Not long after we moved into our new apartment, we adopted Sylvester. Poor Lloyd barely had a chance to get used to his new surroundings before we threw another big change at him. It didn't take Sylvester long at all to get used to us, or Lloyd, but Lloyd was definitely a little skeptical (though mostly curious) at first. The two have become fast friends though; Sylvester likes to lay close to Lloyd and Lloyd enjoys initiating play-time with Sylvester (particularly at 5am...) by batting at him when he strolls past. Lloyd has always been such a purrrrrfect cat (ha!) but he's been picking up on some bad habits that we've been trying to ween Sylvester away from- mainly eating plants and begging for food. But a few digested plant leaves and incessant meowing is easy to handle when we can tell how much fun these two are having together.

Just like brothers!
Aww such cute pictures! My favorite is the 5th one, I love their faces!
Congrats on your new fur baby! He is so cute and the brothers look so adorable together. So nice for them to have each other for company and play time!!
The last picture is so cute!!!
Ahh, too cute!
Haha yeah, Shawn and I were eating dinner and they were both behind him begging for food. I had to snap a photo!
Thanks! They're definitely both happy to have a buddy to play with :)
It was even cuter in person! Sylvester just kept inching closer to Lloyd.
I didn't think it could get any cuter than Lloyd...
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