We saved another one!
Thursday, June 19
We are now a family of four! On Monday we welcomed a new cat into our home - his name is Sylvester and he's about Lloyd's age, perhaps a little younger. I saw him during a trip to our local pet store and I just had a feeling he'd be the perfect companion for Lloyd. I've been trying to convince Shawn to adopt another cat for a few months now, and he was sold on the idea after one visit to Sylvester at the store. So here's our newest family member!

This was the description on his cage at the pet store:
I am a very adorable and loving cat. I love affection, being held and pet. I'm good with other cats; haven't been in the company of dogs yet. My foster mom rescued me from the outdoors where I was searching for food because I am super friendly and she said she would find me a good family and home to live in forever more! Beware: I am a talker :)
Yeah, they weren't kidding about the talking... I've never met such a chatty cat!

(photo from the P.A.L.S. facebook page)
But I'm sure the biggest question on your mind is how Lloyd has reacted to this newcomer! He was a little skeptical at first, but they've become fast friends. We've had no issues with aggression (I mean come on, this is Lloyd we're talking about!), just initial curiosity and lots of nose touches. After their second day together Lloyd started trying to get Sylvester to play with him (by sneaking up on him, batting at him, and running away) but Sylvester just wasn't picking up on it. Now that it's been a few days, we've caught them playing together and laying together. I don't think Lloyd is still entirely comfortable with him yet (especially since Sylvester seems to be jealous and won't let us pay Lloyd any attention without paying attention to him as well), but they're so much friendlier towards each other than I expected. Smooth sailing so far - let's hope it stays that way!

I know the photos are blurry, but Sylvester moves fast and he's almost impossible to capture! Regardless, you can look forward to seeing photos of him alongside my usual abundance of photos of Lloyd. We're smitten with the little guy, and this is only the beginning!
Aww Sylvester is so cute! My tuxedo cat is very chatty too. Glad the the introduction went smoothly! :)
How sweet! So happy for your family and for Lloyd! Such cute black and white cats :)
I'm glad things are going well with Lloyd and Sylvester! The last picture is so cute.
Aww, he's a big boy! His paws look huge!
I can't wait to see more photos of them bonding :)
I'm wondering if the chattiness is a black cat trait... I seem to hear it from a lot of people who have black cats!
They're like yin and yang, almost!
The chattiness was a little overwhelming at first, because Lloyd never says anything, but I'm getting more used to it and I think he's also slightly less chatty now than he was the first few days. At least we always know where he is!
I'm so happy the transition has been so smooth! Not that I was TOO worried, but it makes me smile to know that Lloyd appreciates having a friend around.
His paws ARE huge! The shelter said it's because he got neutered once he was already over a year old and so his features had more time to develop. Lloyd was neutered late too, but his paws never got that big!
congrats on your new addition! I'm sure they will become fast friends, it makes my heart melt when i see our two kitties getting along and laying together and cleaning each other.
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