Week in Photos: Week 20
Monday, May 19

Parked my car and noticed this dandelion. The landscaping crew came the next day and cut it down.

I love these guys so much.

He was skeptical at first, then realized what the big 'monster' actually does, and promptly settled in.

Five minutes of brushing. Lloyd is one furry furball.

I guess it was a cupcake kinda week.

I'm loving my new ice cubes!

...not as much as Lloyd loves his catnip beaver though, apparently.

The littlest lemon!

I'm still loving my Graze Box subscription... it gets better every week!

Turkey tacos! You wouldn't even know that it's not beef.

Lloyd loves doing his Mr. Burns impression.

Newly red hair and eye makeup for a day out with my siblings- I rarely get a chance to get dolled up!

I usually take the train downtown but my this time we decided to drive in. Philadelphia skyline!

Driving towards city hall. Philly gets a lot of shit from other cities, but I think it's a beautiful city.

Took the siblings to Tria; my brother recently turned 21 so now we can finally all drink together!

Like true Frenchmen, we also indulged in lots of cheese, including one of our grandfather's favorites.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
I always look forward to these posts (mostly because of Lloyd..). Your cupcake decorating is so good!
Our cats are so scared of fans, hairdryers, vacuums etc. I just feel like when it's hot being like, you will feel better!
Thank you! And yeah, these are the one posts where I throw in a lot of Lloyd photos :)
I was surprised he didn't run off because he's terrified of the vacuum... he's gotten better about the hairdryer though.
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