138/365: Blue skies on my last day in Florida.
On a side note, this round of flights had me feeling particularly nauseous... do any of my seasoned flying readers have any tips on how to avoid that? It's not something I've had trouble with in a long time, but for some reason, I felt sick to the point of having chills this time around.

139/365: Vanilla bourbon cupcakes for a friend's birthday!
140/365: We ate at a new-to-us local restaurant this week; we left feeling satiated and super impressed.
141/365: Pork tacos, because the week is not complete without tacos.
142/365: Full disclosure: I almost forgot to snap a photo this day. So here's one of the pile of stuff we still have to sort through in the office... it's not very high on our list of priorities.
143/365: I tried aerial yoga for the first time this weekend. It was... strange. I found it difficult to trust the silks. Yoga is about trusting your body and your self; aerial yoga adds gravity into the equation, and my brain wasn't quite ready for that switch. I entered the room feeling confident, and left feeling vulnerable. But I'm determined to go back!

144/365: Still can't get enough of seeing these two together.

How was everyone's long weekend? I had every intention of being super productive with
blog stuff this weekend, but then I just kind of threw my hands up in the air when my brain decided it was time for a three day break instead. Hey, that happens sometimes! I ended up taking a look at some posts I've had sitting in my drafts folder instead, and found a few decent ones that just kept getting pushed back. So you'll get to see some of those this week.
I started off real strong with the blog this year, but each month I find myself struggling more and more to keep up with posts. It's not that I'm lacking content... I actually have a ton of ideas for new posts! But I just can't seem to make the time for the more involved posts. I'd really like to post more recipes here (people seem to like them, and I enjoy sharing them!), but a recipe post is so involved because it requires making, photographing, editing, and writing. At the end of the day, I just don't have the energy for all that! And then on long weekends such as this one, when I finally have all the time I need, my mind and body just want to take a break from work-mode and rest fully. I don't know how all the seasoned bloggers do it. When I look at the blogs that I enjoy reading and that inspire me, I'm just baffled by how they continue to be so amazing, week after week.
I really appreciate all of you who keep coming back here to read and comment. This whole blogging thing wouldn't be nearly as much fun without you :)